Flow Hold Set - Beginner — 5.8 or V0

Flow Hold Set

Beginner — 5.8 or V0


Learn fundamental movement and master the feeling of flowing.

  • Ideal for movement, coordination, awareness, warmup and cool-down training.
  • Ergonomic holds optimized for every angle.
  • Mirrored layout for balanced training.


You do it every time you climb to warm up. There are two options for hold sizes, Full-Hand Jugs and Incut Finger Buckets. Set for flowy body positions and subtle foot movements help you get ready to climb and tune up for the next levels.


We’ve worked with with USA Climbing coach and level-5 route setter, Josh Larson to create the Grasshopper Hold System and layout.

Details & Specifications

  • Flow System

    In yoga, you practice fundamental movement through repetition, in order to move closer to mastery. The Grasshopper System is designed for the same purpose. The FLOW system is our Blue holds, inviting a warm up routine that gets you moving, warming up and feeling your body adapt and learn... and FLOW.

  • A better way to start.

    One of the biggest challenges to climbers is a proper warm up. Everyone knows the value of it; yet it hasn't been prioritized on the board systems. Until now.


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